Volunteer Opportunities
CPRD thrives on volunteer involvement, and we need more good folks to make it all happen! Pitch in and you automatically become part of the fun. Here are some of our current needs, from the golf course to the senior center.
Chehalem Glenn Golf Course
Golf volunteers wanted - Love golf? Love Chehalem Glenn Golf Course? We are seeking volunteer Starters and Course Guides to work two 5-hour shifts per week (can include weekends). In exchange, volunteers will receive golf and driving range privileges. Call 503.538.5800 and ask for Kellan.
Chehalem Senior Center
CDL drivers wanted - Do you have a CDL license? Come drive the CPRD bus and take our seniors on our fun day trips.
Meals on Wheels Driver - We are always in need of drivers and substitute drivers to make our program possible. The Newberg/Dundee area has four delivery routes that serve approximately 75 seniors and disabled persons a hot meal every weekday and frozen meals for the weekend. Applications are available at the Chehalem Senior Center.
Kitchen helpers wanted - Seeking helpful, kind-hearted people to volunteer as Kitchen Assistants for our Meals on Wheels program. You do not need to know how to cook! Come by Chehalem Senior Center for an application. We'd love to meet you! Open weekdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Office helpers wanted - Our office personnel are seen as the heart of our senior center. Please aid us in making a good first impression. If you are interested in becoming a member of our team, please inquire at the senior center or call 503.537.9404.
Are you a 6th- 12th grader hoping to volunteer for our annual Safety Town Kids Day Camp- We are looking for counselors with energy and a zest for life and a love of helping children. Camp runs early August. To apply fill out application and send to mcompton@cprdnewberg.org