To Speak at a Board Meeting

All meetings of the Board of Directors must be open to the general public, unless specifically exempted by law (ORS 192.20 and 192.630). Regular Board meetings include opportunity for public comments. It is the intent of the Board to allow all citizens the opportunity to give input on any issue that is addressed by the Board.

Citizens will be limited to three (3) minutes of time to speak on a single agenda item.
Citizens must be recognized by the Board President before speaking, at each instance, during the discussion of each issue.

The public comment period will be held to a limit of 30 minutes total.

Due to time limitations and the number of citizens wishing to speak during a meeting, the Board president may set time limits for each speaker and/or the number of times that speakers may address the Board on a single agenda item. 

To submit a request to speak to the Board

  1. Sign in at the time of the meeting and check YES to indicate your wish to speak during the public comments period. If you have written materials to submit to the Board, hand them to the Public Information Director. Note: Digital presentations intended to be projected during the meeting may not be submitted at this time.
  2. In order to be considered in a separate item on the agenda, to submit materials for the meeting packet, and/or to submit digital presentations to be projected during the meeting: complete the Public Comments form available on this webpage and submit it by email to the Public Information Office at least one week prior to the meeting date. Questions? Call 971.832.4222.

REMINDER: Written comments on any topic may be submitted to the Board at any time via email and do not have to coincide with a Board meeting.