2024 - 2026 Chehalem Heritage Trails Citizens' Advisory Committee
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Meeting recordings can be viewed on the CPRD YouTube page.
How to attend meetings
Committee meetings take place at 5:30 p.m. on the second Monday of each month, in the Board room at the CPRD Administration Office at 125 S. Elliott Road in Newberg. These are public meetings and therefore open to the public. Attend either in person or remotely using the Zoom information below, or watch the livestream on the CPRD YouTube page.
To watch on Zoom:
Webinar ID 825 0971 8207
2024 - 2026 Trails advisory committee members
Board appointed 9-26-24
Officers elected 11-19-24
- Dennis Wiley - Chairman
- Lauren Pfieffer - Vice Chairman
- Sarah Downing - Secretary
- Bob Freshman
- Jake Jendusa
- Danna Kemp
- Om Sukheenai
Board Liaison is Matt Smith.
The purpose of the committee is to provide recommendations to the CPRD Board of Directors regarding new and developing trails and pathways within the Chehalem Heritage Trails network of pedestrian, bicyclist, equestrian, water, and any other modality of trails, and work to create a volunteer base and network for trail maintenance.