Superintendent Don Clements announces retirement

Don Clements

Longtime CPRD Superintendent Don Clements has announced his plans to retire at the end of June in 2025, with the turning of the budget cycle's fiscal year. The Board of Directors will discuss how to proceed with the hiring search for the next Superintendent. 

Clements was hired as superintendent in 1984. Nearing 80 years of age, his career has been spent in the field of parks and recreation. During his time, the district has expanded significantly, adding numerous parks, facilities, and trails.

In 2017, Clements was awarded the prestigious Dave Clark Lifetime Achievement award from Oregon Park and Recreation Association. Throughout the years, his civic involvement has included Kiwanis, Newberg City Club, and other groups.

"I have tried to do what is best for the community," said Clements. "Many of the projects that we've started will carry on long after I'm gone."

Clements, a Georgian native, said that he had settled in Newberg because this was where his family wanted to be.

"I have been accused of building an empire," he said, and he concurred that it was true. He said that the expansion has been done reasonably, with taxpayers in mind.

"We are way in front of park and rec agencies in Oregon and the nation," he said.