Closures District Holiday Schedule

In general, CPRD facilities are closed on federal holidays; this includes Administration Offices, Senior Center, CARE Childcare and Preschool. (Scroll down to see closures for the Aquatic & Fitness Center and Golf Course).

2025 Federal Holidays Schedule

Wednesday, January 1 New Year's Day
Monday, January 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday
Monday, February 17 Washington's Birthday (AKA Presidents' Day)
Monday, May 26 Memorial Day
Thursday, June 19 Juneteenth National Independence Day
Friday, July 4 Independence Day 
Monday, September 1 Labor Day
Tuesday, November 11 Veterans' Day
Thursday, November 27  Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, December 25 Christmas Day 

Chehalem Glenn Golf Course
 is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.

The CPRD Administration Office at 125 S. Elliott Road is closed on federal holidays and the day after Thanksgiving.

CPRD Board of Directors does not meet in November nor December unless needed. The Board also does not meet in July unless needed, due to Newberg Old Fashioned Festival.

Chehalem Aquatic & Fitness Center, Typical Holiday Schedule

New Year's Day Closed All Day
Easter Sunday Closed All Day
Independence Day Closed All Day
Halloween Day Close at 5:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving Day Closed All Day
Christmas Eve Closed All Day
Christmas Day Closed All Day
New Year's Eve Close at 5:00 p.m.