Opportunities on CPRD Board of Directors & Budget Committee

Board vacancy

Three terms on the CPRD Board of Directors will expire in June 2021. Interested persons must run for election. Election day is May 18, 2021. All nominations must be filed with the Yamhill County Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m., March 18. These terms are currently filled by Mike Ragsdale, Lisa Rogers, and Peter Siderius, who may choose to run for re-election. 

CPRD Board meetings are generally held at 6 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month at the CPRD administration office at 125 S. Elliott Road in Newberg, Oregon. The Board meets only if necessary in July, November and December, due to holidays plus Newberg Old Fashioned Festival in July. Exceptions are posted on this website.

Meetings are public. To submit an item for the agenda, contact Public Information Director Kat Ricker. As a courtesy, please submit at least two weeks prior meeting date if possible.

The CPRD Board of Directors is an elected board of five persons. Terms are four years. Elections are held through Yamhill County every odd year; two members run on one odd year, and the other three run on the other odd year. Responsibilities of directors also include serving on the Budget Committee and serving as the CPRD Foundation Board of Directors.

Anyone interested in running should contact the Yamhill County Elections Office for full details.

NEW - Board is accepting applications for volunteer to complete current term

March 2, 2021 - The CPRD Board of Directors is accepting applications for an individual to finish the remaining three months of a term of a current Board member who is resigning early. Mike Ragsdale has announced that he is stepping down. That term concludes in June, so his Board-appointed replacement would serve at a minimum for three regularly scheduled meetings, in April, May, and June. 

The deadline to apply is the 5 p.m. on Friday, April 16th. Applications can be found on the Board webpage. Submit completed application to kricker@cprdnewberg.org