2016 - 17 Budget Calendar

All dates are 2016. Public meeting dates are in bold typeface.

Jan. 28 CPRD Board appoint Budget Officer and adopt Budget Calendar
Feb. 25 CPRD Board appoint Budget Committee members
March 4 Staff budgets due to superintendent
March 9 Publish advertisement for budget committee members if needed
March 11 CPRD staff submit legal notice of public meeting and hearing
March 16 Newberg Graphic to publish meeting notice
March 16 CPRD staff post meeting notice on CPRD website
March 18 Deadline to accept committee applications, if needed
March 24 CPRD Board ppoint new committee members, if needed
April 1 Budget delivered to committee and CPRD Board, made available to public at CPRD Admin Office
April 5 Budget Committee meeting 6 p.m. at Admin Office. Public input welcome. Vote to approve budget
April 6 - 8 Additional Budget Committee meetings if needed at 6 p.m. in CPRD Admin Office. Vote to approve budget
April 22 CPRD staff submit Budget Summary and notice of Public Budget Hearing to Newberg Graphic
April 27 Newberg Graphic publish Budget Summary and notice of hearing. 
April 27 CPRD staff post Budget Summary on CPRD website
May 26 Public Budget Hearing 6 p.m. at Admin Office
June 23 Adopt budget, make appropriations and impose and categorize taxes by resolutions
July 8 CPRD staff submit budget and resolutions to Yamhill County Clerk and submit tax certification documents to County Assessor