Community Trails Survey

Trails survey results are in! Chehalem Park and Recreation District (CPRD), in collaboration with the Chehalem Heritage Trails Advisory Committee (CHTAC), is proud to release the results of the 2023 Community Trails Survey.

About the Survey

The CPRD Community Trails Survey was administered between September 15 and October 31, 2023. In consultation with data scientists and key stakeholders, the survey was designed to “assess the community's needs, perceptions, and usage of local trails” while mitigating survey bias and tampering. In total, 4,810 registered voters within CPRD were randomly selected and mailed physical invitations providing access to the approximately 15-minute Qualtrics survey. It was originally proposed by the Chehalem Heritage Trails Advisory Committee and approved by the CPRD Board of Directors in Summer 2023.

The Community Uses, Values, and Supports Trails

With a statistically valid response rate of 12.8%, the survey reveals that local trails promote physical fitness, mental well-being, family togetherness, connection to nature, livability, and economic vitality. The community's firm valuation of trails for personal and community benefits is a testament to the integral role these spaces play in enhancing quality of life. It’s clear from the data collected that the community uses, values, and supports our trails. To summarize:

  • 79% of people use CPRD trails.
  • 87% say trails are important to the community.
  • 80% say the benefits of trails outweigh any potential negative impacts.
  • 81% support the addition of more trails.
  • 51% are willing to pay $50 per year for trail development and maintenance.

The survey indicates widespread support for trails within CPRD. The question is: what’s next? Our community is eager to move forward and grow its trail system. Every step of the path may not be clear at this point. However, the survey points us toward the first steps and several potential areas to explore further.

Strategies for Trail Enhancement and Development

Moving forward, the CHTAC will collaborate with CPRD to develop a multifaceted approach to addressing the findings of this survey. Overall, the survey indicates that the community supports five general strategies when it comes to trails:

  1. Build more trail mileage, variety, accessibility, and amenities.
  2. Increase outreach and communication about existing and planned trails.
  3. Collaborate with law enforcement, local government, and nonprofits to address homelessness and personal safety concerns.
  4. Prioritize pursuing grants and donations from government and private sources.
  5. Follow a transparent, inclusive, and fair process when developing or making changes to trails.

These general strategies, grounded in natural and recreation resource management best practices, aim not only to address the immediate needs identified but also to ensure the long-term sustainability and relevance of the trail system.

Specific Projects on the Horizon

That being said, these five projects and initiatives are within easy reach or close on the horizon:

  1. Complete the Ewing Young Park expansion and improvements.
  2. Move forward the Newberg-Dundee Connector that parallels the bypass.
  3. Open mountain bike trails.
  4. Increase safe walking and bike routes throughout the community.
  5. Revisit and update the Chehalem Heritage Trail Plan.

Completing these projects will move CPRD toward building an outstanding 50+ mile trail system that will benefit the community through increased health, positive economic contribution, and improved livability for generations to come.

In conclusion, the Community Trails Survey has opened avenues for meaningful dialogue and action, paving the way for a trail system that truly reflects and serves the needs of the Newberg-Dundee community. Hopefully, the findings and recommendations from this survey will guide effective decision-making and foster a deeper connection between the residents and their natural surroundings. The future of CPRD's trails looks promising, with opportunities for enhancement, greater community engagement, and a shared vision of health, connectivity, and environmental stewardship.

Get Involved

Interested in supporting local trails? There are plenty of ways you can get involved.

Survey Documentation

You can access the full 2023 Community Trails Survey report or one-page summary below and at right. Should you have any questions, please contact the Public Information Office at (971) 832-4222 or email us.