Touchstone updates on September 11, 2020

American flag

A moment to reflect and connect

Today marks the 19th anniversary of our nation's collective loss of September 11th. At the same time, we are pulling together in this moment, as the Newberg and Dundee community, and as Americans, to strengthen and care for one another as we weather a pandemic, windstorms, and unprecedented wildfires.

CPRD staff is working hard to ensure that our community has recreational and educational facilities available to provide social connection points and mental and physical health opportunities; and services including CARE childcare and Meals on Wheels to serve all from our youngest and our elders, and their families. We observe all appropriate precautions against Coronavirus in all of the programs that we operate, every day.

Our parks staff, together with tree services and arborists, continues to work on clearing fallen trees, limbs and debris from our parks and trails. While exercise outdoors is not encouraged at this time due to air quality, we want you to know that we are systematically working through all of our properties to ensure their safety and availability to our community.

Thank you for your patience. If you have concerns about a particular property, or a neighboring property affected by park wind damage, rest assured that we are working through our many messages to address each one.

Stay safe going into this weekend. We look forward to enjoying calmer times with you once again. Meanwhile, know that we are CPRD-strong.

Chehalem Park and Recreation District